Thursday, 3 July 2014

Movie Night

Movie night was a fun thing that a group of year eights organized. I myself only helped on the night working at the cafeteria and organizing the movie Frozen for the younger kids. My help started when we began to set up at two o-clock, we had to first get the chairs and pillows set up then the movies had to be tested in the laptops to make sure they weren't going to break down in the final seconds, but we did have a problem with one laptop. Luckily we could get a new one! Once that was done it was time to set up the cafeteria, we had to lug loads of fizz across the school while buddy time was taking place out on the court. The tables were set up in a semi circle then we loaded the popcorn and sherbet onto them and put the drinks in the middle. Finally we set up the ticket table and cleaned the rooms and connected the laptops to the TV.  We were ready.

Once the bell had rang we had a giant line of kids waiting to get into the movies. Suddenly a wave of hungry children burst into the food area and pushed towards the tables, I stood there for awhile taking orders and retrieving what they had asked for but then I was told to go get my movie going. I chucked some money in the box in the middle and grabbed some food off the tables before sprinting off to get Frozen running.
Once the laptop had started the film Jason and my self sat down and monitored the movie and fixed the occasional bug in the system.

After the movie had ended the clean up began and we had to vacuum and mop up many spills and bits of food on the floor, it took us half an hour to clean up almost everything on the floor but we still had to bring in the tables. Once the tables in we took turns in celebrating our successes once the noise had died down Sharon thanked us for helping and we all began the journey home.

Thank you To everyone who helped us with the movie night. It helped us gain over $500.00 to our Wellington camp.

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