Thursday, 22 May 2014

Our "Huts"

Last week we wrote memoirs. We read a memoir by Gavin Bishop about the making of huts when he was a child and we decided to base our memoirs on huts too. We read some at assembly last week so we will put up different ones. We hope you enjoy them.

The Puppy Hut by Molly

Me and my brother love making huts. Huts by the stream, huts that fall on top of us, huts with proper wood and nails. We loved them all but our pride and joy, our finest hour was the vast mansion of rugs that we set up in the lounge. it took hours to find, drape, peg and hang all of our materials. As usual we argued about every thing. 
"That's my bed!"
"Well, I'm here now!"
" Well move!"
" No I won`t!"
" Will too!"
"Will not!"
" Will too!"
We would go on for hours. Normally our huts ended with us going off in a huff and leaving the mess to our Mum. But this den was demolished by our new puppy Scooby. Boom, Crash and legendary mansion was in pieces. The result was the same though. We both went off in a huff and left the mess to our Mum.

Hut Making by Sylvie

Pillow, blankets, couch and big long cushion. Inside, outside, under the trampoline. Carefully making the cushion stand up right, piling on the blankets making sure they will not fall through, then carefully climbing in, pulling in the pillows to make our beds. Everything is quiet. Don`t make a sound or we will be eaten by the scary monsters outside. Wait till morning now carefully climb out again. Flop! It all falls in. 
" You made it fall over!"
"No I didn`t!"
"Yes you did!"
 "No I didn`t!"
This would go on and on for a long time till Mum came in and it was all over.

Huts by Reece
I love making huts on stormy days. Especially huts made out of mattresses and blankets and cushions. We would spend a bit of time on the huts. Amelia and I would fight where we wanted to sleep and where our bed was until a pillow flew over. 
My Poppa would throw pillows at us to try and destroy it. Until we got our Nerf guns out and open fire. We would shoot for hours to try and win. Until he got the big guns out... Scared in fear Amelia ans I would hide behind the left wall, waiting for the bomb to hit. we quickly came up with a plan.
" You go around the kitchen"
" No you"
"Who made you the boss?"
"Fine, whatever!"
As the argument was over, the bomb hit. It was a big banana. Wow so much damage! Then I would shoot him in the head and my nan would say pack up.

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