Thursday, 22 May 2014

Our "Huts"

Last week we wrote memoirs. We read a memoir by Gavin Bishop about the making of huts when he was a child and we decided to base our memoirs on huts too. We read some at assembly last week so we will put up different ones. We hope you enjoy them.

The Puppy Hut by Molly

Me and my brother love making huts. Huts by the stream, huts that fall on top of us, huts with proper wood and nails. We loved them all but our pride and joy, our finest hour was the vast mansion of rugs that we set up in the lounge. it took hours to find, drape, peg and hang all of our materials. As usual we argued about every thing. 
"That's my bed!"
"Well, I'm here now!"
" Well move!"
" No I won`t!"
" Will too!"
"Will not!"
" Will too!"
We would go on for hours. Normally our huts ended with us going off in a huff and leaving the mess to our Mum. But this den was demolished by our new puppy Scooby. Boom, Crash and legendary mansion was in pieces. The result was the same though. We both went off in a huff and left the mess to our Mum.

Hut Making by Sylvie

Pillow, blankets, couch and big long cushion. Inside, outside, under the trampoline. Carefully making the cushion stand up right, piling on the blankets making sure they will not fall through, then carefully climbing in, pulling in the pillows to make our beds. Everything is quiet. Don`t make a sound or we will be eaten by the scary monsters outside. Wait till morning now carefully climb out again. Flop! It all falls in. 
" You made it fall over!"
"No I didn`t!"
"Yes you did!"
 "No I didn`t!"
This would go on and on for a long time till Mum came in and it was all over.

Huts by Reece
I love making huts on stormy days. Especially huts made out of mattresses and blankets and cushions. We would spend a bit of time on the huts. Amelia and I would fight where we wanted to sleep and where our bed was until a pillow flew over. 
My Poppa would throw pillows at us to try and destroy it. Until we got our Nerf guns out and open fire. We would shoot for hours to try and win. Until he got the big guns out... Scared in fear Amelia ans I would hide behind the left wall, waiting for the bomb to hit. we quickly came up with a plan.
" You go around the kitchen"
" No you"
"Who made you the boss?"
"Fine, whatever!"
As the argument was over, the bomb hit. It was a big banana. Wow so much damage! Then I would shoot him in the head and my nan would say pack up.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Whenua Iti 
by Fergus

Fun, challenging, exciting, blood pumping etc. That is only one  of the hundreds of what I could say Whenua iti is like it is the most amazing experience for the outdoors I’ve had in a year- it is great.
Week 1: The arrival
When we pulled up at Whenua Iti I gasped- in the distance I saw a 15 meter tall tower, a high ropes, a trapeze and a huge field for games and activities. We came to the small hall of Whenua iti, the sleeping and talking area. We started with a talk about leadership that our three hosts Jo, Johnny and Charlie. After our talk they told us to get into two groups splitting Max and I to either ends of the room then split the rest of the group. They told us my group was doing the climbing wall and Max’s were doing the trapeze and we would swap after lunch. We had our morning tea then set off to our first adventure... the tower was huge.
I teamed up with Reuben and Dylan and we went to the hard climb. The instructors told us to start climbing when we were ready. I told Dylan I was ready, then started up the tower at a great pace. Only 10 seconds later I was struggling climbing on the hard climb. Finally I got past the tricky bit but the worst was yet to come when I was 3 meters from the top 12 meters above the ground things got tricky there were no hand holds anywhere I had to jump I jumped got to the top then got lowered back down Dylan and Reuben had their turns we watched the others then we went back to the hall for lunch.

After lunch we went to the trapeze, we got geared up then I went first I jumped for the bar but missed. I watched everyone else for the rest of the activity but then Charlie asked if I would like another go. I was ready I got my gear back on raced up the ladder and got to the top of the poll for a few seconds I stood there staring into space then I jumped I felt my fingers curl around the bar I had DONE IT, I felt great grabbing that poll the last chance of the day that I had, I had done it. We all went back to the hall the first day of Whenua iti was great I loved it and I could wait to do it next week!

I don’t have time to talk about the other weeks but I'll do a quick summary about them.
Week 2 we learnt games and taught them to the rest of our group then after lunch we had an activity each and my group did the high ropes after that we had a talk with the other group then came back to school.

Week 3 we shared the games we shared with our own group to the other group then we went to the activity the other group went to last week the flying Kiorea (rat). We were hoisted up into the air and swung around for awhile then came back down. After that we went back to the hall had a talk and went back to school.

Week 4 We arrived at the hall and talked about what we were doing today. We got on the Whenua iti bus and drove to the beach 5 min off kaiteriteri. When we arrived we were greeted by 2 DOC rangers they lead us to the bushes on the sand dunes. It was covered by gorse and shrubs so we got to work right away we pulled out all the weeds then planted some new bushes and trees. We thanked the DOC rangers and boarded the bus and drove back to Whenua iti When we arrived we thanked the Whenua iti staff and said our goodbyes then left Whenua iti and headed back to school for the last time.

By Fergus

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Run, bike, swim. Right... easy, eh?

The school tryathlon was the second house event of the year. Nerves were high and the adrenaline was pumping. Once we were in our togs, covered from head to toe with sunblock, with our heavy helmets on our heads, and sitting in our year groups, the competition began.

 It was really tough. We ran what seemed like a million laps of the field, then we jumped onto our bikes as FAST as we could - even if our bikes weren’t in the right gear. We went as fast as our little legs would carry us, and then we dumped our bikes in a massive
pile and sprinted to the pool, even though by that point we could barely feel our legs!!! We ran through the gate and jumped into the pool. It was freezing!  Everyone swam faster so they could get out of the pool quicker, which was a good thing, of course!

We watched all the races, cheering madly for the people in our House, as well as our brothers and sisters. Some people took photographs. Others created chants to support their friends and Houses. It was a lot of fun. Time kept ticking and by the end of the event
we were shattered. We perked up when we heard Mr Taylor’s voice over the speakers say, “It’s time for the awards!”. We all swivelled round to face him. Certificates!!!  

The top three in each year group got a certificate (and a round of applause, obviously!).
Lots of people got out their cameras, and the parents got out their cellphones so they could take photos of their children. It was a great moment.

After that, everyone got changed out of their damp togs, and searched for their bikes. While the juniors went to fetch their scooters (they rode scooters instead of biking) the bigger kids went to the massive pile of bikes.  The mish-mash of bikes kept everyone occupied for a while but when we had put them all away, the noise and excitement died down. Soon after the bell rang and we staggered out to lunch.

So there went another successful tryathlon at Mapua School, where everyone tried to be all they can.  The tryathlon was an overall success where the weather was great and the sky was blue. Where the sporty ones showed what they could do. But the less athletic ones just did their best. Everyone supported each other and swam hard, biked well and ran showing promise. This year’s tryathlon was the best there’s been, so keep it up and next year with luck we’ll get even better.

By Sophie, Georgie and Emily

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Every year Mapua School and the Mapua Playcentre organise a fair to celebrate Easter and raise money for learning equipment and each year people flood to the domain to enjoy the day. In the past we have had roadblocks all the way to Appleby!
This year the weather forecast wasn't looking too good and it did start raining later on in the day but that didn't stop people coming.
The school Kapa Haka group started off the performance on the stage followed by the ukulele groups. Both performances “ wowed ” the audience  and showed them how talented Mapua School students really are. Then the stage had various artists performing, our famous chocolate wheel and the raffles until the end of the day.
Mapua School had a few stalls, including Brick`a`Brac and Face painting. We also had the cafe, which had delicious smells and tastes coming out of it all day.
We hope you enjoyed the Easter Fair if you went to it and we hope you will come next year too.
Photos will follow soon.

Hey guys sorry there hasn't been many posts this term, this is due to it being such an explosive start to the year, There has been loads of Art, House Leader Speeches, Swimming Sports and loads and loads more.
As the year eights we have a lot of responsibility resting on our shoulders, We as leaders have to not just organise games and activites but we also have to set a good example to the younger cendicate. To do this we have to think how they will react to our actions and if they will copy, But they won't just copy the bad stuff we might do but they also will get inspired by us, and for the good or bad they will be inspired by us, the seniors of the school, The Might Year Eights but most of all..... Mapua School's leaders.
We will lead them into a brand new year. One that will be more Creative, Sportier and Smarter than ever before.
See you soon

Reuben Prestidge.