Thursday, 8 May 2014

Run, bike, swim. Right... easy, eh?

The school tryathlon was the second house event of the year. Nerves were high and the adrenaline was pumping. Once we were in our togs, covered from head to toe with sunblock, with our heavy helmets on our heads, and sitting in our year groups, the competition began.

 It was really tough. We ran what seemed like a million laps of the field, then we jumped onto our bikes as FAST as we could - even if our bikes weren’t in the right gear. We went as fast as our little legs would carry us, and then we dumped our bikes in a massive
pile and sprinted to the pool, even though by that point we could barely feel our legs!!! We ran through the gate and jumped into the pool. It was freezing!  Everyone swam faster so they could get out of the pool quicker, which was a good thing, of course!

We watched all the races, cheering madly for the people in our House, as well as our brothers and sisters. Some people took photographs. Others created chants to support their friends and Houses. It was a lot of fun. Time kept ticking and by the end of the event
we were shattered. We perked up when we heard Mr Taylor’s voice over the speakers say, “It’s time for the awards!”. We all swivelled round to face him. Certificates!!!  

The top three in each year group got a certificate (and a round of applause, obviously!).
Lots of people got out their cameras, and the parents got out their cellphones so they could take photos of their children. It was a great moment.

After that, everyone got changed out of their damp togs, and searched for their bikes. While the juniors went to fetch their scooters (they rode scooters instead of biking) the bigger kids went to the massive pile of bikes.  The mish-mash of bikes kept everyone occupied for a while but when we had put them all away, the noise and excitement died down. Soon after the bell rang and we staggered out to lunch.

So there went another successful tryathlon at Mapua School, where everyone tried to be all they can.  The tryathlon was an overall success where the weather was great and the sky was blue. Where the sporty ones showed what they could do. But the less athletic ones just did their best. Everyone supported each other and swam hard, biked well and ran showing promise. This year’s tryathlon was the best there’s been, so keep it up and next year with luck we’ll get even better.

By Sophie, Georgie and Emily

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