Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Hey guys sorry there hasn't been many posts this term, this is due to it being such an explosive start to the year, There has been loads of Art, House Leader Speeches, Swimming Sports and loads and loads more.
As the year eights we have a lot of responsibility resting on our shoulders, We as leaders have to not just organise games and activites but we also have to set a good example to the younger cendicate. To do this we have to think how they will react to our actions and if they will copy, But they won't just copy the bad stuff we might do but they also will get inspired by us, and for the good or bad they will be inspired by us, the seniors of the school, The Might Year Eights but most of all..... Mapua School's leaders.
We will lead them into a brand new year. One that will be more Creative, Sportier and Smarter than ever before.
See you soon

Reuben Prestidge.

1 comment:

  1. Great, I look forward to reading all about what you're up to on your class blog!
