Thursday, 16 October 2014

Molly's camp poem

So a few weeks ago, as you may have heard
Our very own Room 11 flew off like a bird
To frolick in Wellington, as you might say
And I’m here to tell you, a little about our stay…
So there we all were waiting for our camp
When we heard the sad news our plans were a bit damp
We weren’t to go to the zoo, or the ferry that day
But were waylaid by bad weather, a bit of a delay
Nobody worry , Sharon’s on the case
Instead we stayed in Picton, an opportunity we embraced
Visiting the airforce museum, and a movie too
We made up for our losses, and gained some hot chips, right on cue

Early next morning, not too early to hate
To catch the ferry, across the Cooks Straight
Some people looked green, others a little red
Most just wanted, to be back in their beds
After a lovely cruise, with high ocean winds
We arrived in Wellington, where we did plenty of things
But what I can say is we did do a lot
With plenty of enjoyment, more often than not
Capital E hosted us for
3D movie making, snow, birds, and more
Then of course rollerblading and rock climbing as well
Which everyone thought was completely swell
The next day brought a tuatara to us
From our Zealandia friends, definitely a must

And then we went on to Carter Observatory
With their crazy, rounded planetary movie screen
And of course who could forget
Te Papa! The best museum ever, I’d be willing to bet
Whales and boats, tikis and more
This place was definitely not a bore
So what else did we do, oh yes of course
H2O Xtreme we shouted till we were hoarse
Our parliament visit, was somewhat exciting
The body guards looked, to be ready for fighting
Unfortunately we didn’t see
Our famous PM Mr John Key

Then back again to Capital E
For our Alien invasion this is Presenter Molly
They had cameras and costumes, actors on suite
This trip was a fantastic treat
Oh and what about our Amazing Race
A favourite in so many peoples case
Walking round Wellington all on our own
Some of the adults were completely thrown

And what can I say about WOW but wow!
Those dresses where fab the most fashionable gowns
So all of us tired sleeping on our feet
Back on the ferry to collapse in a heap
Sailing and cruising on the shifty plain
We finally saw old South island again
And now here we are, with stories to tell
We’ll remember it forever, and a bit more, as well

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