Thursday, 16 October 2014


Day 4
We jumped out of bed with a grin on our faces and hurried down stairs to have a talk about what was on the agenda for today.
We headed towards parliament and had our bags checked on the way in. We sat down at the 8 rows of seats, and began talking about what parliament was like back in the day, and lots of other really interesting things. We slowly made it around to the debating chamber and chatted about debates.
After that we had our own little debate about plastic bags and why they were good or not so good on the environment, we dressed up and started debating. We had lunch and started heading to Capital E on tv for our Alien Invasion movie clip.

We sat down and talked about our jobs that were needed for the movie, My job was to put the script in front of the camera so they could read it off there. We finally finished the movie and it was great!

We all slithered over to WoW because we were a bit tired. we waited outside and these weird mime things came out of this advertised car!? They started to polish it with their breathe and a rag. They got Nathan to jump into the car and wait in there until they were finished polishing it! The girl mime came over to me and started to rest her head against my shoulder but i didn’t like it so i pulled away!! So we walked into the arena and got our seats, we were all so close together.

The show started with a BOOM!!! colours and flashes of light everywhere the first category was the childrens part in WoW! All the dresses over all were AMAZING but not just the dresses the bras to!

By Tiah Booth

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